The Storm is coming!
The National Weather Service send me an overview of the weather to be expected the next few days. It didn't really sound too great. What do you think? ... heavy rain and potentially high winds expected to acoompany significant storm to hit late Monday into early Wednesday ... the origins of this storm are from a western pacific typhoon called melor that hit Japan a few days ago ....
Well, I could go on for a bit more but I am actually looking forward to this weather. It will be a bit more work to clean up the dogs after the hike but can you imagine just us being out there with the dogs. I'm just done cleaning up outside. Everything is taken down (canopes, umbrellas, etc. and tarp covering what may need some extra protection. I have 6 maybe 7 dogs tomorrow alone so that will be two hikes in the rain and mud. The dogs love this weather too and the warm bath and heated dog area in our house are always welcomed after a hike in the rain.
Well, if I find the time to write more I will. I'm getting my raingear out for tomorrow. Shoes - check, pants - check, jacket - check. Okay. Ready to go!!!