Happy Pet Parade and Faire! Our booth was popular especially due to our foster puppies!
Sunnyvale Pet Parade and Faire was a great success. We had fun. I want to thank all my "competitors": Auntie M Pet Care, K9 Bed and Bones, Sit 'n' Stay, Merry Puppins, P.E.T.S. and last, but not least!, Pet Star Services! It is fantastic to have such a great group of people working together and on top of that having so much fun.
I love what I do and I do what I love. My name is Nathalie and I am an avid dog lover, trainer, hiker and adventurer. I am the owner of The Dog Hikers, K9 Consultant and pawDOGraphy. I am also the co-founder of the local dog group Dog Connect SF Bay Area (DogConnectSF.com). I use aversive (force free) methods when working with dogs.
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